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AVIXA Announces AV Industry Pledge for an Equitable Future  

FAIRFAX, Va. – With a promise to help drive positive change in the pro AV industry, AVIXA, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, is introducing the AV Industry Pledge for an Equitable Future, a pledge that any individual or company can sign in order to advance inclusive behavior across their company and the industry. AVIXA is calling on the entire audiovisual industry to champion further equity and full representation across every aspect of the AV world, because the diverse thought and experience of women, LGBTQ+, Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous, and disabled persons as well as veterans expands industry knowledge, workplace success, business performance, and innovation, and represents a better future for the AV community.


“Together we have an opportunity to create a world in which we embrace individuals from all backgrounds,” said David Labuskes, CTS, CAE, RCDD, CEO of AVIXA. “We recognize there is much work to be done and this commitment is merely the beginning. I am certain that we are laying a cornerstone that can be built upon and change at least a little part of the world for the better. And that is how big changes begin.”

The AV Pledge for an Equitable Future is a commitment to:

Foster Awareness: Positive change starts with understanding and acknowledging the existence of systemic racism, leaning in to tough conversations, and analyzing how we can contribute to creating a better world.

Take Action: Pledge to set measurable goals, follow through on findings, and commit resources toward the goal.

Be Accountable: Share your progress with AVIXA and industry peers – the challenges and successes so everyone can learn.

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Individuals who sign the pledge are asked to consider joining AVIXA’s Diversity Council and participate in future council events, take part in diversity and inclusion surveys, as well as participate in future Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) events exploring the industry pledge, toolkit resources, and how this effort has impacted the industry.

AVIXA has compiled a list of resources to help AV professionals on this journey, including an inclusive language style guide which can help avoid biases perpetuated by words and phrases that can reinforce stereotypes and create false power dynamics; as well as a 30-minute unconscious bias training video created in partnership with NonProfit HR. To learn more, visit

With a goal of sharing both resources and research, the AVIXA Diversity Council is also launching its DEI survey. This survey asks for important, though sensitive, demographics information, such as gender identity, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation and delves into the availability of resources and programs provided by AV employers. The survey was developed by AVIXA’s independent Diversity Council, and when combined with the results of AVIXA’s annual member survey, it will help establish a benchmark for the AV industry to measure future progress. This survey is 100% secure and anonymous. To access the survey, visit

“Participation in this pledge will enable data-driven insights and scalable solutions, challenge our thinking, and enhance processes and practices that will ultimately reduce bias, diversify talent pools, and cultivate innovation,” said Charmaine Torruella, Diversity Council Chair and GMS Account Manager for Verrex.

For more information on AVIXA’s commitment to diversity and the AV Industry Pledge for an Equitable Future, visit


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