Saturday, September 7, 2024

Timothy Albright

Producing a Podcast: Behind the Gear

How AVNation goes about producing a podcast When people find out what I do for a living, a common question is, how do you do it? Producing a podcast has a few common components which I’ll go into below. Really,...

AI in AV (and Art)

How AI in AV impacts the art world A recent social media post has ignited debate surrounding the ethical use of artificial intelligence in art. Twitter user @DonnelVillager shared an image of late artist Keith Haring's iconic "Unfinished Painting" (1989),...

Immersive Experiences from Disney Moving ‘HoloTile’ VR Floor

Combining Meta & Immersive Experiences A new invention by researchers at Walt Disney Imagineering could take virtual reality (VR) to new immersive heights. The technology called the HoloTile Floor, allows users to seamlessly walk, run, and move in any direction...

ISE 2024 A Success (Sort of)

Was ISE 2024 a success? After being home for 24 hours, a look back at the week in Barcelona was warranted. Not only for me and the AVNation team but for all involved in the 20th-anniversary edition of ISE. Tradeshows...

ISE Day 4 Recap

Back from ISE 2024 Day 4 Writing this as my legs and feet are recovering on a Saturday, but this was a great show. I’ll put out an overarching article next week detailing the record-breaking numbers. But you can check...

ISE 2024 Day 3 Recall

Toward the finish line of ISE 2024 Almost there, kids. This show is really big. At four days, it’s also the longest show we cover so far. Shure showed off an expansion of the MXA line, AtlasIED gets into line...

ISE 2024 Day 2 Recap

The Adventures at ISE 2024 After a harried kick-off to the week, Day 2 provided even more connections. We were able to chat with Biamp, Snap One, QSYS, Legrand, and more. We went from Hall 7 to Hall 2 and...

ISE 2024 Day 1 Wrapup

ISE 2024 aims for innovation Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is back in Barcelona this week. The show kicked off on Tuesday morning with a press conference by Mike Blackman, ISE 2024 show director. Blackman indicated this was the largest ISE...

Top 5 LLM You’ve Never Heard Of

Learning from the Top LLMs The pursuit of cutting-edge large language models (LLMs) is intensifying, with tech giants and startups releasing advanced systems at a breakneck pace. These intelligent tools are revolutionizing how we interact with technology. We are also...

How High to Mount a TV for Home, Office

Reader’s Question: How High to Mount a TV When it comes to mounting a flat-screen TV on your wall, one of the first questions that comes up is how high to mount a TV. This is important whether you’re talking...

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